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Are you a filter coffee freak? ( or does it just induce mad amounts of feels for you non-coffee drinkers like me?) This is the perfect combination of style and whimsy all wrapped into a cute little davara-tumbler reminding you to make you a cuppa kaapi! Each piece has been designed, assembled and hand finished by local artisans - to create a miniature davara-tumbler complete with a hammered brass effect. Made from 100% brass - electro coated to ensure that your favourite piece of jewelry (yes I'm sure it will be) doesn't tarnish over time. Comes with a 20" long 18K GOLD plated brass necklace! Handmade with love, just for you <3

Kaapi Pendant

  • Made from
    -  100% raw brass - electrocoated, 18K Gold plated brass neclace 

    - Davara Tumbler Size : 1.5cm

    - electroplated brass chain -  20" +2.5" ( extension)